Homework 00: Getting setup
Getting all the materials and tools for the class
1. Get Organized
Using a consistent folder structure across your projects will help keep things organized, and will also make it easy to find/file things in the future. This can be especially helpful when you have multiple projects.
You need to choose a naming convention for your folders and try to stick with it. Recommended options are:
- no caps (math458)
- snake_case (math_458)
- CamelCase (Math458)
Create this class folder along with the following subfolders to organize your data and script files.
- any data that’s handed out goes in hereassignments
- scripts used for completing worksheets and assignmentsnotes
- you will be writing and contributing notes to the classproject
- for project specific files
2. Discord
Click this link to join the Math & Stats Discord server https://discord.gg/xCQTAgu8bE. This is a support platform where student office hours will be held and personalized channels can be made.
- Download the Desktop app. You should not rely on remembering to log in using the web version. Chances are very high that you will miss out on important announcements and bonus activities. There also is a Discord phone app that you may want to consider.
- Please change your display name to something resembling your name so your classmates (and I) can identify and tag you.
- Once you join the server and accept the code of conduct, go to the
channel (left side bar) and click the icon that’ll add you to our class folder. - Post an introduction in the
channel. Include the following:- major
- Any pets (include pics!)
- what fictional family would you like to belong to?
- your biggest concern about the class
3. Get the textbook
I don’t care if it’s physical or electronic. Having a copy is essential. I have had students use a prior edition, but the page numbers and some content are different. If you go this route be prepared to work with another student to ensure you are looking at the correct content.
Sampling, 3rd Edition. Sharon Lohr
Also download the R companion for the book and all data sets from this site as well.
4. Read the syllabus
Thoroughly read the syllabus, look over the Canvas classroom and the course website. Then ask at least one question about the logistics or organization of this class in Discord.
5. Quick access
Bookmark this class website. Going through Canvas every time just is a waste of your time.
6. Update R/R Studio. Demonstrate that you can reender to PDF.
- Update both R and RStudio to the latest versions https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/
- (Re)install following packages:
tidyverse, survey, sampling, srvyr, googlesheets4, tinytex
- Run
in the console to install a lightweight version of LaTeX
All homework is to be done in a literate programming/reproducible manner using Quarto (.qmd
) files compiled to PDF.
- Demonstrate that you can render a Quarto file to PDF by downloading the Hello Quarto tutorial file
- Add your name as an author in the YAML header in the format
author: Your name
. - Add a code chunk at the bottom of the page with only this code in it:
- Add your name as an author in the YAML header in the format
- Render to PDF and upload the resulting document to Canvas
7. HackMD
- Make an account using your campus email at https://hackmd.io/
- Go to the What is HackMD collaborative notes, read the introduction and add your name to the list.